upcoming programmes.

Every Saturday night
Saturdays are for Games
9:30 pm onwards
And Saturdays are for regaining the little joys of life. Choose from a menu of Euro-style board games as you play your heart out all evening.

Game community
Gamers for life

Mon-Fri (3 batches from 5:45 am, 7:00 am, 8:15 am)
Yoga by Moksh Yogshala
(At the Hive)
5:45-9:15 am
Rejuvenate yourself with pranayam, asanas & meditation.

Suresh Patel
A devout yoga practitioner
July 16 - Oct 1 | Sat-Sun
Sway to the beats of garba with rhythm & style and gear up for a stage show to charm the audiences

Abhipsa Dave
Celebrated Performing Artist
June 21 - Sep 14 (25 sessions) | Wed-Thur
Phonics Stories Program
4:00 - 5:00 pm
Build a strong foundation for English language in your child through a course designed by NutSpace Founder & a Jolly Phonics Trainer Rohini Vij.

Tripat Ratra
Early years educator
Nov 19-20 | Sat-Sun
The Buzz about Bees
3:30 - 6:00 pm (Sat)
10:00 am - 12:30 pm (Sun)
Explore the world of bees up, close and personal, bust some bee- and honey-related myths, and have fun sampling honey & making a DIY product

Rakesh Gupta & Poorva Lalbhai
Agri Entrepreneur & urban beekeeper
Feb 5 | Sun | (8 hours training)
Basic Life Support
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Learn Basic Life Support - a top survival skill - from an organization dedicated to the cause - Indian Red Cross, Gujarat. You could be somebody's hero!

Dr. Rudresh Scharma, Naresh Gohil
Dedicated Master Trainers
Sep 29-30, Oct 1 | Thur, Fri, Sat | (Basic/Advanced)
Tablet Weaving Workshop 3:00-5:00 pm
Learn a little about the history of Tablet Weaving, how a Tablet is made, and also learn some key patterns that will lead to creating a beautiful product!

Shradha Jain
A zealous maker
Sep 30, Oct 1-2 | Fri-Sat-Sun
Board Game Design-a-thon
5:00 - 7:00 pm (Fri)
9:30 am - 12:30 pm (Sat-Sun)
Get started on your journey of game design with your very first tabletop game - from concept to prototype in just 8 hours! Be mentored by experts - a game design faculty, and a board game enthusiast!

Shradha Jain & Kruti Shah
Shradha is a faculty of game design at Srishti, & Kruti is the founder of The Hive
Apr 18-29 | Mon-Wed-Fri (6 sessions)
Kahaaniya: Ek Sundar Duniya
5:00 - 6:00 pm
Develop pre-reading skills, language, and a love for stories. Ignite your children's imagination, give them an opportunity for expression, and boost their confidence.

Purva Shah
A mother with stories to tell
Feb - Mar 2022, 29 sessions
Create artistic & utlilitarian items using 3 natural materials, while focusing on skill development & practice. Programme culminates with a display of participants' work at The Hive.

Praveena Mahicha, Vruddhi Patel, Hirnakshi Harshwal, Khushboo Mehta
Designers dedicated to Arts
Mon & Wed | Nov 22-Feb 12 | 50+ hours
Elephants in Pink Pajamas
4:00-6:00 pm
Learn the dynamics of theatre and stage arts from characterization to storytelling to acting to costume/prop/stage design. Participate in a mini theatrical performance!

Jahnavi Mehta, Bhavya Doshi, Vruddhi Patel
Veteran artists & educators
Aug 20
Button Masala Garments
3:00-6:00 pm
Join Anuj in his explorations as he demonstrates how to make sustainable garments from mere rectangular pieces of fabric, old tees, stoles & dupattas - using only a bunch of buttons & bands.

Anuj Sharma
A radical designer
July 13-16
A Tryst with Colours
4:00-5:00 pm
An exploration of colours while learning the basics of colour theory.

Riddhi Patel
A born artist
Aug - Dec | 12 alternate Sats
UNBOXEd: Jr. Board Gamers' Club
3:30 - 5:30 pm
Enjoy a stimulating brain massage with full-throttle fun! Learn to play, so you can play to learn.

Kruti Shah
Board Game Buff
Spring Innovation Camp | Mar 26-31 | Tue-Sun (6 sessions)
Spring Innovation Camp
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Fun & intellectual summer activities

Shahezad Gadhiya, Satic
A tinkerer at heart
Twice weekly | Custom timings
Embark on a journey of musical exploratorations designing your own curriculum to pursue at your own pace - be it Hindustani classical, semi-classical, vocal or instrumental

Sanjay Shukla
Unpretentious artist & educator
May 8 - 12 | Mon - Fri | 5 sessions
Explore popular poetry to learn techniques & create your "own voice of expression."

Anushri Nanavati
Literature Aficionado
Mar 7 - 31 | Mon & Wed (8 sessions)
Igniting Imagination with Stories
5:00 - 6:00 pm
Develop pre-reading skills, language, and a love for stories. Ignite your children's imagination, give them an opportunity for expression, and boost their confidence.

Phoram Desai
Educator, trainer with 20+ years of experience
Aug 11-12
Clay Modelling
3:00-5:00 pm
Engage with nature's two vital elements - earth & water - to create imaginative artefacts - from utensils to sculptures.

Vruddhi Patel
A down-to-earth sculptor

2 batches July 27 | July 28
Kokedama Art
4:00-6:00 pm
Learn the centuries-old Japanese Art of beautifying your homes & gift yourself some cleaner air.

Sejal Shah
An indoor plant expert
Martial Arts by ASMA
(At the Hive)
5:00-6:00 pm
Discipline the mind & body as you learn key combat techniques & the use of weapons with the reputed Arjun School of Martial Arts.

Sensei Nikhil Trivedi & Sensei Aditi Trivedi
For holistic well-being
Twice weekly | Custom timings
Embark on a journey of artisitic exploratorations designing your own curriculum to pursue at your own pace -

Sanjay Shukla
Unpretentious artist & educator
Thurs (Batch 1, 7-11 yrs), Fri (Batch 2, 12-15 yrs)
Learn the value of money, learn to set goals, learn to manage money, & enter the world of banking through this child-friendly programme incorporating games, role play, field trip, movie & more.

Priyamvada Ghia
Founder, Finstart
July 19 onwards | Every Wed (15 sessions)
Explore the effervescent world of theatre learning mime, monologue, street play, improv theatre, navrasas, and a whole lot more - from acting to backstage management!

Aniket Parmar
Founder, Rangmanch ki Charpai
May 1 - 31 | Mon-Wed-Fri
Experience the power of yoga in easing stress, enhancing concentration, boosting self esteem & wellness. For 7+yr olds

Dipti Shaniswara
Certified Yoga Expert
Jan 21, 22, 29 (2 weekends)
Young Heritage Explorers' Programme
2 weekend mornings
Explore the past, present & future of Ahmedabad through 3 independent workshops with Gauri Bharat & a team of Heritage Historians from CHC, CEPT.

Gauri Bharat & CHC
The Heritage Experts
Sep 11 & 17 | Sun & Sat | (2 talks)
Better Pup Parenting
11:00 am - 1:00 pm (Sun)
6:00 - 8:00 pm (Sat)
What is your dog telling you? And why is he/she fearful or reactive to other dogs/humans/situations? Listen to Canine Behaviorist & Trainer Nidhi throw some light on these fundamental questions.

Nidhi Sanghrajka Mehta
Dog Behaviourist, Trainer, Aggression Expert
June 16 - 19 (4 sessions)
The Marvels of Origami
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Explore the possibilities of creation from paper & its implications for math, engineering & design, besides art.

Saurabh Suri
A creative educator

Saturday, Feb 26
The Baobab Connection - Edit 2
(At the Hive)
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
The Baobab Connection Gig features People Matrices: Structure, Simulations, & a Stunning Field Visit. Join us for stories, food, & fun

Prof. S. Ramkumar
Nuclear Physicist, IIMA professor
Fri, Dec 24 | Sat, Dec 25 | Sun, Dec 26
Young Heritage Explorers' Programme
Morning/Evening walks
With a team of experts from the Centre for Heritage Conservation, dig into Ahmedabad's past - from its monuments & designs to its people. Be poised to represent your city to the world.

Gauri Bharat, Zeus Pithawala, Drashti Nakrani
Architects & Conservation Experts
Sep 2nd & 3rd weekend | Sep 17-19, 24-25
Street Photography Workshop
6:00-7:30 pm
Explore photography as an art & design form by deconstructing the elements of style: geometry, composition, contrast, colour, light, et al. Learn through case studies & exercises.

Saumil Shah
A hacker with a camera
July 9-10
It's Tie-Dye July
4:00-6:00 pm (Fri-Sat)
Learn over a dozen techniques of traditional tie-and-dye processes in this hands-on workshop, and take home colourful fabrics that you design.

Praveena Mahicha
An acclaimed artisan

July 30-31
Explore an ancient art and create contemporary products through ply-split braiding techniques.

Erroll Nelson Pires
Wedded to braiding
May 7-9, 2021
Sharpen logical thinking through Euro-style board games. Build your own game through home-based resources.

Shradha Jain
An enterprising game master
Feb 26-27, 2021
Connect with nature by creating your very own terrariums & miniature gardens for indoor use.

Shruti Alok
A meditative nature lover
Feb 5-7, 2021
Explore a mysterious material with varied uses, while making colourful knick-knacks.

Darshini Shah
A vivacious art instructor
Mar 16-22, 2021
Learn & practice the foundational & contemporary styles of calligraphy from a master penman.

Amit Kharsani
A dedicated designer
Yoga at The Hive
6-7 am | 7-8 am
Asanas, Pranayam, Surya Namaskar, Meditation & Special Therapy Yoga in The Hive's vibrant atmosphere.

Dev Kalyanji
Dedicated to a principled life
Jan 23-27, 2021
Discover the fundamental principles of design and through hands-on activities, bring out the dormant designer in you.

Kareena Shamsi
An introspective designer
Apr 17 - May 2, Jan & Feb, 2021
Explore photography as an art & design form by deconstructing the elements of style: geometry, composition, contrast, colour, light...

Saumil Shah
A hacker with a camera