BeUniQ: A Creative Thinking Workshop
Sat, July 22, 5:30-7:30 pm | Sun, July 23, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Ages: 14+ yrs | INR 2500

Dr. Shyamal Munshi is a Reconstructive and Cosmetic Plastic surgeon by profession. He is also a renowned singer and composer, a versatile poet and lyricist, and a humour writer. His novel ideas and innovative approaches have contributed greatly to his activities and performances.
He is passionate about the subject of creativity and lateral thinking, and has found purpose in sharing his knowledge and experience with children and the youth, conducting workshops for these audiences intermittently. He categorically believes that creative thinking can change their outlook and give them the extra edge they need in life.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all that we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
- albert einstein
Roads that generate solar electricity while also building connectivity…
A mouse in red shorts, yellow shoes & white gloves that is the world’s most recognizable fictional character…
Origami that compresses an 82’ inch solar panel into a 9’ toy for a space launch…
Grandma’s denture that acts as a nutcracker…
Offices with game rooms and gardens…
Have you ever wondered, ‘Why are some people more creative than others? Or where does creativity come from? Is it learned or inherited?’
Here are 3 truths about creative thinking that will make you pause, think, and answer these questions.
Truth #1. Children are born creative geniuses. But they are being systematically dumbed down.
Dr. George Land and Beth Jarman tested 1600 children between the ages of 4 and 5 using a longitudinal scientific study designed for NASA engineers & scientists. A full 98% of the children fell into the genius category of imagination! But by the time the kids were 10 and 15, these numbers had dropped to 30% and 12% respectively, and finally, only 2% of the 280,000 adults tested, qualified as creative geniuses.
What happens as we grow older? For one, “non-creative behaviour is learned!” Unknowingly, the process of ADULTIFICATION benumbs our ability to imagine, create, and invent.
Truth #2. Creativity can be learned.
Fortunately, adultification is neither fatal nor irreversible. Creativity isn’t a mysterious trait, or passed on through genetics. It is a process that can be learned, honed and mastered. And although the science of creativity is young compared to other areas of psychology and cognitive neuroscience, our growing understanding of it points to new directions for creative development.
Truth #3. Creativity is a top job skill
And here's a reason why creative abilities are a valuable asset. Recently, ‘Creativity’ topped the list in a survey of ‘The skills companies need most in 2020,’ conducted by the business networking service LinkedIn. “The rise of AI is only making soft skills increasingly important, as they are precisely the type of skills robots can’t automate.” Because creativity is the ability to think in a non-linear way, the ability to apply knowledge in one area in an innovative and useful way in a different area. Machines, on the other hand, are programmed.
In this highly interactive workshop, Dr. Shyamal Munshi will take participants through the following:
The neuroscience of creative minds
Barriers to creativity like conditioning, fear, preconceived notions, social factors, etc.
Creativity principles & practices from different walks of life – art, science, industry, society…
Hands-on tools and ideation techniques to inspire creative thinking, and make it a part of your daily life
Ideas for building a culture that fosters creative thinking
Unlock individual and team creativity – for yourself, and your children, students, coworkers, family…
Build a mindset for cultivating creative thinking in everyday life
Discover tools, techniques & sources of inspirational and innovative thinking
Expand critical thinking abilities through a whole brain approach to problem-solving
Students, parents, professionals, homemakers, seniors... anyone and everyone willing to get a creative kick in their lives! Age 14 yrs & upwards... because children are innately creative

1. Is this a group or an individual programme?
It's both - however you'd like it to be! Attend individually or consider exploring together with peers or family - the learning is still your independent one.
2. Is this a children's or an adult's programme?
Creativity knows no age. However, as mentioned above, children are the most creative of all age groups. Hence, the programme is designed for everyone 14 years & above.
​3. What safety precautions will be taken at The Hive?​
We will be working in small groups. Our facilitor and staff are fully vaccinated. Masks are recommended when in close proximity. However, the participants are responsible for their own health & safety.

the schedule:
Sat, July 22 Sun, July 23
5:30 - 7:30 pm 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Cancellation Policy: In the unlikely event of The Hive cancelling any of its programmes for any reason, registered participants will be refunded the entire amount within 15 business days. Course dropouts by participants will be eligible for refund as follows: 30+ days before the event - 75% refund; 15-30 days before the event: 50% refund; less than 15 days - 0% refund. Attendee changes can be accommodated up to 14 days prior to the event.